Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Mitchwear is committed to uplifting organizations and individuals in communities that are plagued by variety of socio-economic challenges. We are cognizant of the fact that we may not be able to provide a helping hand to all who are less fortunate. However we always endeavor to make impact in as far as community development is concerned. High levels of unemployment is one of the causes of despondence among South Africans. This calls for us to make a difference. We have heeded the clarion call to make a contribution for the advancement of the country. In 2023, Mitchwear embarked on a campaign to help informal traffic controllers, in Johannesburg, with meals, colorful safety reflective vests, clothes and blankets. The company has supported a few Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) with shoes and funds. Our leader Modiba is a keen philanthropist, who has contributed to the wellness of individuals and organisation to further their aspirations. For as long as the country has the less fortunate, we will continue to do our part in helping and developing our community. Everyone at Mitchwear is working tirelessly to not only food on their table but to ensure that those in need can also have something to better their lives.